Section Overview

This section reviews the nutrient requirements of preschool age children, includes tips for feeding preschoolers, and discusses healthy eating at preschool.

Nutrition Recommendation for Preschoolers

Preschool is an exciting time for feeding. Many children start school between the ages of 3-5 years old increasing the influence of peers and teachers on their eating habits. 

Proper nutrition is important at every age! Encouraging healthy eating habits during early childhood will help establish a foundation for healthy eating throughout life.

Feeding Tips for Preschoolers

Serve fruits and veggies daily

  • Meet your child’s daily fruit and vegetable requirements by serving fresh, frozen, or canned whole produce instead of juice

Limit juice and sugary beverages

  • Juice should be limited to 4-6 oz per day of 100% fruit or vegetable juice
  • Serve plain water with most meals and snacks or when your child is thirsty (~5 cups/day) – beverages such as soda, sports drinks, coffee, tea, and drinks with low-calorie sweeteners are not recommended for young children


  • Serve meals & snacks around the same time each day – allow your child to become hungry between meals & snacks

Healthy Snacks

  • Limit sweet or sticky foods that can remain in the mouth and cause cavities


  • Always supervise your child eating to prevent choking

Be an Example

  • Model healthy eating behaviors and table manners – children learn through observation and will follow your example

Encouraging Preschoolers to Try New Foods

  • Make food fun! Cut foods into shapes or add dips with fruits and vegetables
  • Involve children in the shopping and preparation process
  • Create a family garden! It is a fun way to engage children to eat healthy by seeing how food grows and is then used in the kitchen to create meals and snacks
  • Children may be hesitant to try new foods – you may need to offer a food multiple times before your child wants to try it
  • Provide a new food along with other foods your child likes
  • Offer small portions of a new food – small portions will be less overwhelming for young children
  • Try not to trick, bribe or force your child to try new foods

Promote Healthy Eating at School

Does your child attend a preschool, daycare, or other childcare center? Here are some tips to help promote and encourage your child to eat healthy foods while they are at school.

School Lunches:

  • Allow your child to participate in choosing their school lunches from the menu for the week/month
  • Choose regular skim milk or water rather than juice
  • Choose foods on the school menu your child likes and/or has eaten before – your child may be less likely to eat a school meal if they’ve never been exposed to the food

Packed Lunches:

  • Allow your child to participate in packing their lunch each day for school/daycare
  • Build a healthy lunchbox with child-sized portions with food from different food groups
  • Remember the ice packs if foods needs to be kept cold
  • Want to send cooked food? – pack food in a thermos to keep food warm until lunchtime

Whether your child eats school lunch or packed lunch, remember to pack a water bottle for your child to keep them hydrated throughout the day!