Check out our summaries of current research below to see what the experts are saying about all things nutrition!

  • Impact of Nutrition Practices and Policies in Childcare Facilities on Child Nutrition Habits 

    Impact of Nutrition Practices and Policies in Childcare Facilities on Child Nutrition Habits 

    Healthy habits are developed at a young age which can positively impact health and well-being throughout life. Children’s eating habits, including consumption of fruits and vegetables, are determined by many factors including their food environment in the home or childcare setting.  Some research has indicated that children can receive up to two-thirds of their daily…

  • Relationships between ultra-processed foods, weight gain, and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents 

    Relationships between ultra-processed foods, weight gain, and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents 

    Obesity rates have increased over the last few decades. Dietary patterns are key lifestyle factors related to weight gain and obesity. With the fast-paced world we live in, our society has shifted from traditional diets consisting of homemade meals to more processed, packaged, and ready-prepared food items. Though pre-packaged meals are convenient in today’s “on…

  • Association Between Eating Habits and Sleeping Difficulties in Children and Adolescents 

    Association Between Eating Habits and Sleeping Difficulties in Children and Adolescents 

    Sleep is crucial for adequate growth and development in children and adolescents. Unfortunately, sleeping difficulties are a common issue among these age groups. Numerous studies have indicated that lifestyle factors including unhealthy diets and prolonged screen time at night can contribute to sleep disturbances. Current research also suggests that individuals who skip meals or replace…

  • Lean Red Meat Consumption & Cholesterol

    Lean Red Meat Consumption & Cholesterol

    Red meat consumption has often been associated with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as it contains high amounts of saturated fat. Though red meat provides a good source of protein and other essential nutrients including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, excessive intake of red meat has been…

  • Parenting Practices Related to Adolescents’ Food Choices

    Parenting Practices Related to Adolescents’ Food Choices

    Adolescent obesity is a continuing problem in the U.S., with a 22.2% prevalence among 12–15-year-olds. Obesity in youth, characterized by having a BMI greater than the 95th percentile for age, is associated with the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease during adulthood. Unhealthy eating behaviors are a major contributing…

  • Enhance your Meals with Herbs and Spices

    Enhance your Meals with Herbs and Spices

    Herbs and spices have numerous health benefits and can also be used to enhance the flavor profile of various dishes. Many snacks and meals commonly consumed in the US tend to be high in sodium and saturated fat which can lead to negative health consequences if consumed in excess. By substituting with healthier ingredients and…

  • Influence of Diet and Physical Activity Patterns on Health-Related Outcomes 

    Influence of Diet and Physical Activity Patterns on Health-Related Outcomes 

    Dietary intake and physical activity are modifiable risk factors for obesity and chronic diseases. Along with reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases, improvements in dietary and physical activity behaviors can aid with weight management, enhance glycemic control, and improve bone mass.  A recent cross-sectional study on 1,836 US adults (20-65 years old) compared the…

  • Positive Outcomes Related to Frequency of Family Meals

    Positive Outcomes Related to Frequency of Family Meals

    As family lifestyles and customs have changed over the years, the execution of “family meals” has varied widely. Family meals vary in the type of food served, location of meals, number of family members present, frequency, and presence (or absence) of electronic devices. Previous studies have found that families who limit watching TV during family…

  • Meat Intake and Health-Related Outcomes

    Meat Intake and Health-Related Outcomes

    Since 1961, global meat production and consumption have exponentially increased. Meat and meat products form an important part of the human diet as they contain high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals.  Meat can be categorized as red meat, poultry, and seafood which can be cooked and consumed or can be processed. Meat is considered to be…

  • Teenagers & Healthy Snack Choices

    Teenagers & Healthy Snack Choices

    According to the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity have increased the risk of chronic diseases and mortality rates worldwide. An increase in portion sizes and negative changes in eating patterns (such as increased snacking frequency) have been thought to be large contributors to the current obesity epidemic. When it comes to adolescents, snacks tend…

  • Benefits of Frequent Family Meals

    Benefits of Frequent Family Meals

    Family meals allow parents and children to communicate, prepare and share healthy foods. Children who frequently share meals with their families have better nutrition and eating behaviors, such as consuming more vegetables and less fast food. Also, their parents exhibit fewer dieting behaviors for weight control and less disordered eating patterns due to more frequent…

  • Increase Children’s Vegetable Intake with Green Smoothies!

    Increase Children’s Vegetable Intake with Green Smoothies!

    Dark green vegetables (DGVs) are rich in vitamins C and K, beta carotene, carotenoids, folate, and flavonoids, all of which are essential nutrients for growing children. DGVs include fresh, canned, or frozen vegetables such as spinach, kale, collards, and broccoli. Children typically show low preferences for vegetables, and many do not meet the national recommendations…

  • Food & Mood

    Food & Mood

    Missed meals are common in children and adolescents, especially breakfast which 30% reported missing more than 5x per week. Reasons that children and adolescents skip meals: Food insecurity Don’t like the taste Becoming distracted Not feeling hungry Trying to lose weight Missing meals can be related to: Higher stress Lower quality of life Poor self-esteem…

  • The Pandemic Increases Type 2 Diabetes in Children

    The Pandemic Increases Type 2 Diabetes in Children

    The COVID-19 pandemic affected individuals and families worldwide in many ways including economically, emotionally, physically, and medically. With the move to virtual work and schooling to reduce the spread of the virus, there has been a stark increase in weight gain and unhealthy eating behaviors. These lifestyle changes have had negative health effects on children…

  • Probiotics and Immune Health

    Probiotics and Immune Health

    The human gut is an extremely complex system. Within the human gut there are 100 trillion microorganisms that provide our body with benefits that they are not able to make on their own. Some of these benefits include: resistance against infection and maturation of our immune systems. So that our gut microbiome and our immune…

  • Optimizing Nutrition for Virus Protection

    Optimizing Nutrition for Virus Protection

    Supporting your immune system with nutritional support may be helpful to protecting against viral infections like COVID-19. Deficiencies of suboptimal intake of vitamins and minerals may negatively impact your immune function and decrease your ability to fight infection. Supplementation with vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids is a safe, effective and low-cost way to help eliminate…